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Tanaya Khadke, 

A visual artist based in New York  ︎

Hello, I'm Tanaya Khadke, a passionate 2D/3D Motion Designer and Illustrator based in the vibrant city of New York. 

My work is a colorful tapestry of imagination, blending the art of motion with the magic of illustration. With experience in an advertising agency, branding studios, children's book publications, freelance with the most amazing clients, I've learned my craft to seamlessly combine these two worlds. 

As a Motion Designer and Illustrator, my niche lies in producing illustrative motion design pieces tailored for campaigns. I thrive on crafting engaging visuals, which is why I keep my creative style flexible and adaptable to suit the unique requirements of each project. Creative campaigns that involve conceptual design storytelling with illustrative motion design are my playground of choice.

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