“A Place I can Imagine” A Happy Place - 2022
Animation and creative Direction - Tanaya Khadke
Music & Sound - Gene Chaban
Music & Sound - Gene Chaban
A Place where I can Imagine - A happy place
This project was a personal journey to reach a thought of abstract imaginations while you can imagine a happy place. This was a part of a College project and was a journey that brought light to the fact of reaching a happy place.
Life is a breathtaking experience! Sometimes it shows you too many colours and makes you overwhelmed. Amidst this chaos I look for a journey! A journey to reach a place full of treasures of peace! A journey that has challenges. Often when I travel, I wander from people to places to realise who am I? What am I looking for? I start finding new ways to find a place,
A place that I could call mine! It wasn’t in the people, nor in lost wandered treasures of places of calmness. It was a still moment of life from a voice within that was always for “you” I was finding love in the chaos, a sense of belonging in the turmoil of obscurity ….that I should have found in me. I found a place - And only when I close my eyes is when…. I can be at A Place where I can "imagine", A place that I can create and call it “My Happy Place”
Life is a breathtaking experience! Sometimes it shows you too many colours and makes you overwhelmed. Amidst this chaos I look for a journey! A journey to reach a place full of treasures of peace! A journey that has challenges. Often when I travel, I wander from people to places to realise who am I? What am I looking for? I start finding new ways to find a place,
A place that I could call mine! It wasn’t in the people, nor in lost wandered treasures of places of calmness. It was a still moment of life from a voice within that was always for “you” I was finding love in the chaos, a sense of belonging in the turmoil of obscurity ….that I should have found in me. I found a place - And only when I close my eyes is when…. I can be at A Place where I can "imagine", A place that I can create and call it “My Happy Place”
Storyboard -